Spinning magic on a winter eve

Mystery of life lies in its simplicity, and we fight day-in and day-out to refute this. The more complex things get, even though they continue to serve almost primordial functions, more reassured we get about its value.

These women were sitting with a pile of fluffy wool. The moment this stuff got entangled in their fingers, before disappearing onto the improvised bicycle wheels, something magical happened, strands of wool appeared. Another bunch of women began giving them shapes. In 30 minutes straight you could see caps or woolen socks emerge.


Tarique Ata said…
This is a wonderful story. The method and technique employed to weave winter wears without any capacity building program by the "MFIs" and there so called "backward and forward linkages" must have bore positive results. I am sure they are not the part of any "Fab India" type venture.

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